• Welcome

    The Fall Feasts for 2024

    These are the dates and times for our celebrations for the fall Moedim.

    Yom Kippur Service - Sat. Oct 12th at 3 PM at Lifepoint Church.

    We will break the fast together at Sundown at El Patron Restaurant on Apalachee Parkway.


    Erev Sukkot Service - Wednesday Oct. 16 at 6 PM.

    Bring food to share a meal together.


    Sabbath Sukkot Service - Oct. 19th at 4 PM at Lifepoint Church

    Please bring a Biblically clean thanksgiving themed food to share.


    Simchot Torah Service - Wednesday Oct. 23rd, Meal at 6 PM, Service at 7 PM

    Please bring a Biblically clean food to share.


    Stay tuned for more. Call For Information 850-566-2436

    We gather for worship and fellowship each shabbat (4 PM) at Lifepoint Church location on Pedrick Rd. in tallahassee.

  • Messiah In The Feasts

    The Biblical Feasts videos produced by One In Messiah are available on DVD now. Learn deep insights into the scriptures and find your destiny inside God's timetable.

    One In Messiah TV Promo


    Watch CTN ch. 45 (239 cable) Mon-Tue 4 PM, Saturday 6 PM, and Monday at 12 AM

    One In Messiah TV Promo 2


    Watch CTN ch. 45 (239 cable) Mon-Tue 4 PM, Saturday 6 PM, Monday 

  • ONE in Messiah TV - Learn the hebrew roots of your faith.

    Jesus in The Feasts TV Special (produced by CTN and One In Messiah) airs Monday at 7PM as well as Saturday at 11 AM on Channel 45.1 over the air and 239 on Cable.

    We now are on WHTN in Nashville and KHLM in Houston.

  • Articles

    Thoughts on the believer and the  Jewish Roots.

    With so much prophecy being revealed before our eyes we must look to the skies. Look in...
    I am going to ask you to something different right now. First of all, I want you to listen to...
    As believers in Yeshua, we are (and have always been) a set-apart group. Now that we have seen...
    More Posts
  • Who We Are

    Followers of The True Lion Of Judah, We are One In Messiah.

    one in messiah tallahassee

    One In Messiah

    Hebraic Christian Assembly

    One In Messiah Hebraic Christian Community (formerly known as Lion Of Judah) is a family friendly gathering of both Christians and Jewish believers in Y’shua/Jesus who seek to meet the need in Tallahassee for a fellowship that is walking in the Hebraic roots of our faith. We are part of the Hebraic Global Christian Community.


    There is a spiritual stirring of the Holy Spirit that is moving in Tallahassee. Many Jews are believing in the Messiah that Moses the Prophets and the Psalms wrote about. He died for our sins and rose again on the third day. Y'shua is the Messiah. As it is written, "You will not allow Your Holy One to see corruption".


    Part of this move of the Spirit is the quest among many Christians around the globe to restore the Hebraic foundations of their faith. At Lion of Judah, we are learning to walk out our faith from the perspective of the example of the first century followers of Y’shua/Jesus (Acts 2:42-47). We believe in the eternal authority of the entire scriptures, which includes the weekly Sabbath given to humanity by God at Creation (Genesis 2), Sabbaths/Feasts of Leviticus 23, which according to Isaiah 66:23 will be celebrated in the Messiah’s kingdom.


    All believers in Messiah are welcome in the Name of YHVH/Jehovah regardless of race, ethnicity gender, socio-economic status, or denominational affiliation. We believe the Holy Spirit is gathering into Messiah Y’shua a united believing community of Jews and Christians who desire to walk in the Biblical foundation of the first century believers, thus forming together the “One New Man in Messiah” (Eph. 2:15). Join us as fellow bondservants as we seek to advance His kingdom and bring joy to His heart.


    Our Ministers -

    Mike Sundin is the lead Pastor/Rabbi and his wife, Cheri Sundin often teaches in depth truths from scriptural Hebrew words.

    The music is guided by the worship team with lead singer and guitarist, Duane Thurmond and his wife Debbie (keyboards).

  • Worship With Us

    Please join us as we observe the weekly feast of YHWH, our Creator,--the Shabbat (Sabbath). He established the Shabbat, along with marriage as a blessing for mankind at the creation of the world. Just like the covenant of marriage it was given long before there were any Jews, so the Shabbat was given long before the people of Israel. It is for ALL people in every culture--just like marriage.The Shabbat is a promise that YHWH is sanctifying us and making us holy, or kodosh and set apart to serve and honor Him.

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    Shabbat Service

    An Appointed Time

    The Shabbat begins at sundown on Friday evening and continues until sundown on Saturday evening. It is customary to begin the Shabbat with the lighting of the sabbath candles, prayer, singing, Bible reading,Kiddish, which is a special blessing over Challah, a special braided egg bread, and wine/grape juice. Afterwards Shabbat Shalom, or Sabbath Peace is sung or spoken as a blessing on all in the home.


    The hours of Shabbat are kodosh. Try to use this sacred time to focus on Y'shua. Some of the ways we do this is by not working, shopping, buying things, listening to secular music, reading secular materials, or watching secular films or televiision. Face book, social media, gaming, and email should also be suspended during these sanctified hours. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in what is pleasing to Abba YHWH. He has promised to lead you into all truth.

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    Refresh and Renew

    We meet every Seventh day (Saturday) at 4:00 PM. On the Shabbat nearest to the new moon, or Rosh Chodesh, we will be having a special meal together called an Oneg, which is Hebrew for delight. We will be bringing food to share that is in accordance to the food guidelines for YHWH's set apart people in Leviticus 11, which specifies no pork or shellfish. There will be a special webpage announcing the New Moon feast.

  • Give

    If you have been blessed by our ministry, would you consider donating so we can reach more people?